The In-Person Boise Farmers Market Is Back!
BFM reopens for walk-around shopping Saturday, May 29
Story by Lex Nelson
After more than a year of eager anticipation, the day has finally arrived: Boise Farmers Market (BFM) is reopening an in-person, walk-around market on Saturday, May 29, just in time for Memorial Day barbecues.
“We can’t wait to see the vendors back in person,” said BFM Market Manager Tamara Cameron. “We’re excited to get everyone back together.”
Cameron expects roughly 60 vendors at the BFM Walk-Thru market, and roughly the same amount contributing to the Drive-Thru, which has served customers through 2020 and into 2021. Going forward, the BFM Drive-Thru will run 8 a.m.-10:30 a.m. on Saturdays, overlapping with the BFM Walk-Thru, which runs 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Both markets will take place in the parking lot at 1500 Shoreline Drive in Boise. Many farmers and producers will participate in both markets.
Courtesy of the Boise Farmers Market
BFM’s decision to reopen was not made lightly. For the past year, its board has been motoring COVID-19 safety recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In light of the CDC’s recent change of stance on restrictions for fully-vaccinated people, it made the decision to suggest a Walk-Thru market to vendors.
“First the board decided that maybe it was an option, and then we surveyed our vendors. Then we discussed [reopening walk-thru shopping] as a group, and it was approved by the board,” Cameron told FARE.
The board also elected to keep mask requirements in place for vendors and shoppers for the time being.
“We still really felt like everyone needed to be masked to keep everybody safe, because we can’t guarantee six feet of social distance, and we have vendors and folks who can't get vaccinated or are too young to get vaccinated. All of our farmers have families,” Cameron said.
There will be an eating area near the booths, but customers are encouraged to grab and go rather than linger within the market. In a press release, BFM thanked shoppers for keeping their vendors’ health in mind.
“We appreciate everyone’s willingness to help keep our community safe by wearing a mask and maintaining six-foot social distancing guidelines. The CDC and City of Boise guidelines state that masks should be worn in crowded outdoor venues,” representatives wrote.
Click here to learn more about how to participate in both the Walk-Thru and Drive-Thru markets.