A Letter from Executive Director Tammie Halcomb

Dear FARE Idaho Members,

I hope this message finds you well. It is with lots of excitement and a deep sense of purpose that I step into the role of Executive Director at FARE Idaho. I am genuinely inspired by your dedication to Idaho’s food system, from our rich agricultural heritage to our dynamic food distribution networks and vibrant restaurant scene.

I want you all to know that my commitment to you is unwavering. I promise to lead with transparency, inclusivity, and a relentless drive to advance our mission. Let’s rally together and showcase the power of our community. Spread the word about FARE Idaho and the incredible work we are doing. Share our story, invite others to join us, and let’s amplify our impact across the state. Every conversation, every connection, and every new member strengthens our collective voice.

As we move forward, let’s embrace the challenges and celebrate the triumphs. Let’s continue to advocate for a thriving food system in Idaho. Together, we are unstoppable.

I invite you to reach out to me directly and share your thoughts on how we can make FARE Idaho even better. I genuinely want to hear from you. Email, call, text, or handwritten communication are all great. Just know that I'm here and working hard for you and that my door is always open! 

Bon appétit, 

Tammie Halcomb

Executive Director

FARE Idaho


FARE Idaho Feature: Wilsey Ranch


FARE Idaho Feature: Snacktivist